When it comes to home improvement projects, a change of wallpaper can make a significant statement; even for contemporary home settings. From photo wall murals, flower-patterned wallpapers to basic textured wallpapers, there is a wide variety of styles to choose from and you can be sure that you will find one that suits your taste as well as your home’s decor. If you are searching in the market for the latest and stylish wallpapers, here are some of our wallpaper brand partners that you can consider:
Fabricut is also known as the brand that many designers depend on for everyday home decorating. As one of the largest largest distributors of wholesale fabric and decorative fabrics, you can find one of the largest selections of competitively and moderately priced wallpapers, or wall coverings, if that is what you like to call it. Offering transitional, modern, classical, and traditional designs, you can easily find one that will create a statement wall. What’s more, their carefully put together wallpaper collections feature a wide array of specialty inks and print techniques that can envelop an entire room.
York has been making decorative wallpapers since the 1890s. The company implements a thoughtful research and development practice as well as handcrafts its wallpapers to create products of the highest quality. Today, in the United States, York is the largest and oldest wall covering manufacturer that caters to both residential and commercial markets. Long recognized for its collective talent, York can create anything that is modern or classic. With their wallpapers’ timeless designs, your home will effortlessly look more stunning.
Wallpapers from the Kravet brand are known to range in style from aged parchments and metallics to all-natural grass cloth and even large-scale prints. The latter is also skillfully fashioned with flock, gel, and suede techniques. If you opt for Kravet wallpapers, you can always expect them to be unique and varied, and will add warmth as well as the luxury you seek in your homes.
Anna French
When you hear the brand “Anna French”, you need to know that it is one of finest wallpaper brands in the United States. Their striking range of wallpapers is truly stunning and makes the perfect backdrop to any glamorous or contemporary home settings. If you opt for Anna French, you should note that you are purchasing wallpapers that have been made with more than three decades of artistic creation. If you are looking for wall coverings that feature eye-catching designs, and are the perfect mix of traditional with modern, Anna French is the way to go.
Clarke & Clarke
Founded in 1999, Clarke & Clarke is widely recognized as a family-ran business led by talented brothers Duncan and Lee Clarke. The brothers are truly passionate about the stellar quality wallpapers and fabrics they personally design and distribute. At Clarke & Clarke, their large selection of decorative wall coverings are merchandised in a coordinated collection, which gives designers nationwide all the essential options they need to build lifestyles for their clients with ease. Today, all products from Clarke & Clarke are developed and warehoused in the United Kingdom.